Welcome to Karalov Brothers' Home Page
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Don't... Don't!.. Don't even think about clicking on Back button of your browser. You didn't do mistake entering this site. We know that you are asking yourself: "What a hell I am doing here in this boring home page about some Karalov brothers, whom I don't know and haven't ever heard about (May be will, who knows), spending my expensive internet time, while there are too many much more interesting sites?" Yes. You are right, We understand your questions. It is just an ordinary home page. And we appologize for spending your time, but it is our only way to say to all the world who we are and advertise our additional pages. Furthemore you wil not be disappointed because there are not just stories about our past, present and future life, hobbies and interests. There are also links to our additional sites, which will interest fans of russian prose, poetry and computerised music in MOD, S3M, XM and MID formats. So... Do us a favour, pay some attention to our site and thank you for visiting our home page.


Our short history

Originally we are from USSR (in past) or Ukraine (nowadays). Our native town is Nikolaev, that placed in the south of Ukraine. Today we are living in Israel.Who and what are we?
This man is Dima The older brother, Dmitry, was born at Jully 11 in 1972. He studied in Nikolaev's school for 10 years and after he finished his studies he went to Shipbuilding Institute of Nikolaev (NKI). He didn't finished it because he immigrated to Israel (he studied welding for 3 years). In Israel he decided to change his orientation (professional, not sexual) to computers. So he studied for 2 years in Technion's college in computer department. After this he joined Israel Defence Army and served there for two years at Air Forces. After army service Dima looked for good job in computers area, and in october 2000 has started his working in Amdocs Israel as DB programmer  
This is Artyom The other brother Artyom was born in November 11 in 1978. He studied for 8 years at same school as Dima did. He immigarated with whole his family to Israel and continued studies at high school in Israel for 4 years. He finished the school and joined the army to artillery forces. And now he studying in Technion in computer department.  

Our hobbies

Of course, as you probably guessed our main hobby is computers. We like programming, composing music, browsing Internet and making our sites. In addition Dima is writing songs, which you can read in his songs page. Furthemore we like collecting jokes from Internet and sending our jokes by Email.

Other Karalov Brothers' sites

Musical Fantasies

Another musical site, in which you can download musical players and files in MOD, S3M, XM and MID formats. There you can also find links to other sites, which deal with music. This site is completely FREE.

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Modern Poetry by Yuri Domansky (russian)

This site contains modern songs of Yury Domansky. His songs are strange, but if you will read songs few times you will probably like them.

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Literature Page of Dima (russian)

In this site you can read some songs, that was written by Dima

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How to Solve Rubik's Cube (russian)

Was you always looking at people turning strange cube in different dirrections and asking yourself such questions, as : "What a hell they are doing with this cube?", "How does he success to solve it, if he turnes it in no order at all?" ? If yes, now it is your opportunity to get answers to all your questions. If no, it will be useful for you too to know ways to solve Rubic's cube and amaze your friends. So... This site will explain you step by step how can you solve Rubic's cube in only few minutes. Do it in 8 steps : | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
хМРЕПЕЯМШЕ ТХЦСПЙХ |Interesting figures|

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Official site of bodybuilders (russian)

Do you want to be strong? Do you want to look good? You don't understand all this intricate systems of exercises? We have solution for you. In this site you don't need any skill. You'll find here exercises, equipment, food, jokes, links and more... | webmasters | print_it | humor | exercises | equipment | articles |

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For webmasters (and not only)

This site is not advertising site and have no banners, but I felt that it is my duty to all humanity (especially webmasters) to tell about this great text editor. I couldn't continue be silent, while people suffer. So keep reading and you will understand what am I talking about.

You have probably heard the joke "In competition of best Web pages builder the third place took Netscape Composer, the second place took Microsoft FrontPage and the first place - NotePad". It is just another joke. But you know that in each joke there is piece of truth.

But... There are some problems with creating pages with NotePad in russian encodings. You are creating your page in NotePad and converting it to necessary encoding in one of builders. But what happened? Did you find any mistake? So return on all procedures above. What?... Another mistake? IT IS RIDICULOUS. The solution of all your problems just right here.

Russian NotePad by Karalov Brothers is what you need. It supprots all Cyrillic encodings (Win-1251, ISO-8859-5, KOI-8 and ASCII), have two languages interface (english and russian) and have another advantages, which you will see after installing this stuff. So, what do you waiting for?

Download it now
рн, н в╗л лш охьел
ояебднхцпш х хцпш он ояебдн
рн, врн лш вхрюел
яейпер люярепю
анебне бгюхлндеиярбхе
убюрхр дпъгц
лндекэ яерх
тнрнцпютхх мю хцпе
опнакелш бяокшрхъ
йюгюмэ, 2006
анебше опюбхкю хцпш ╚UFO╩
анебше опюбхкю хцпш ╚Cхярелмши назейр╩
анебше опюбхкю хцпш ╚пюяоюд,- днпнцю й анцс╩
анебше опюбхкю хцпш ╚охймхй╩
оюлърйю хцпнйс
анебше опюбхкю хцпш ╚мефхрэ╩
лндекэ ледреумхйх
наыхе анебше опюбхкю люярепяйни цпсоош ╚пюяоюд╩
анебне бгюхлндеиярбхе
нршцпшь х пнкэ
люцх днкфмш днцюдюрэяъ┘
на нысыемхх лхпю
йюй ондюрэ гюъбйс
анебше опюбхкю хцпш ╚пюяоюд (днпнцю й анцс╩
лндекэ онялепрхъ х ялепрх
кхяр бмсрпеммху хлокюмрюмрнб
он якедюл...
лш ашкх оепбшлх
ояебднхцпш х хцпш он ояебдн
лндекэ реумхйх
лндекэ мебепаюкэмнцн бгюхлндеиярбхъ, 2005
фхгмэ упсойю, йюй... ьюпхй?
ю унвеьэ - "веярмн"?..
н онкэге юпуерхонб
лндекэ щйнмнлхйх
оърэ кер яосяръ. опнькне х асдсыее лр
люцхвеяйхи рпесцнкэмхй мювхмюеряъ
лндекэ днярсою б яерэ
пюяоюд (рнмйюъ кхмхъ фхгмх). ймхцх реумхвеяйхе
гюъбйю? щрн мерпсдмн
пюанрюрэ дкъ йксаю
онврх лнмнкнц
опнакелш янгдюмхъ цнясдюпярб б пнкебшу хцпюу
ялепрэ йюй тхмюк ноепш
лндекэ щйнмнлхйх
пюяоюд. ймхцх реумхвеяйхе
ядекюи яеае хлъ
ме йюфдши йюыеи аеяялепрмши, ХКХ ялепрэ хцпнйю
на нопняе
люцхъ vs. гб╗гдш ялепрх
вецн аш ъ унрек нр реумнцеммшу пнкебшу хцп
оняке юонйюкхояхяю. мнбюъ мюдефдю
яепхюк. аеяйнмевмюъ кхунпюдйю
реумнцемыхйх ме апюрэъ
яонянаш реумнцеммни люпйхпнбйх
яслюяьедьхе х яръфюрекх
мелмнцн н мюя
опнакелю ндмнцн дмъ
йрн-рн хг мюя

P.S. - This software is shareware. To register it just send me a letter with subject "Register Russian NotePad" and your name as the text, and you will get your password as soon as possible. The registration is totally FREE, and needed only for statistic purposes. So do it right now.

It's not all...

If you read this text I suppose you know english. But probably you don't know it perfectly. Or you got homework in school/institute/university to memorize english words and you don't know how to do it quickly. This time I'll help you too by offering this program for learning english.

This program will help you to memorize english words in short time. You don't have to learn words that all programs offering to you any more. Now you can learn only words that you want. And when you feel that you know english well, you can test your abilities by answering questions from psychometric tests. So, just...

download it

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